
As I go through all kinds of feelings and experiences in my journey through life --
delight, surprise, chagrin, dismay --
I hold this question as a guiding light:
"What do I really need right now to be happy?
" What I come to over and over again is that only qualities as vast and deep as love, connection and kindness will really make me happy in any sort of enduring way.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Thursday, July 18, 2013

HUMAN OF PRESENT AGE... آج کا ا نسان۔۔

آج کا ا نسان۔۔

Today we have higher buildings and wider highways, but shorter temperments and narrower points of view.

We spend more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses, but smaller families. We have more compromises, but less time. We have more knowledge, but less judgement. We have more medicines, but less health.

We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk much, we love only a little, and we hate too much.

We reached the moon and came back, but we find it troublesome to cross our own street and meet our neighbors. We have conquered the outer space, but not our inner space.

We have higher income, but less morals… These are times with more liberty, but less joy… With much more food, but less nutrition…

These are days in which two salaries come home, but divorces increase. These are times of finer houses, but more broken homes.

That’s why I propose that as of today -- You do not keep anything for a special occasion, because every day that you live is a special occasion. Search for knowledge, read more, sit on your front porch and admire the view without paying attention to the needs. Pass more time with your family, eat your favorite food, visit the place you love. Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment; it isn’t only survival.

Use your crystal goblets. Do not save your best perfume… use it every time you feel you want it. Take out from your vocabulary phrases like, “one of these days” and “someday”. Let’s write that letter we thought of writing “one of these days…”

Let’s tell our families and friends how much we love them. Never pass up a chance at adding laughter and joy to your life. Every day, hour, and minute are special… Because you never know if it will be your last…

If you’re too busy to take some minutes to share this message with someone you love, and you tell yourself that you will share it “one of these days”.“one of these days” can be very far away, and you may not be there to see it.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Pointers on Choosing Marriage Partners

Practical and Applicable
Pointers on Choosing Marriage Partners
By Rabi'ah Hakeem

In light of the experience of the past years, it is time to take stock and try to halt the ever-mounting tide of divorces among Muslims. It is not unusual today to find Muslim women (and even an occasional Muslim man) who, by the time they are 30 or 35, have been married three or four times, their children suffering again and again through the trauma of fatherless and broken homes. Accordingly, we may list a few essential points to be considered by both brothers and sisters in the process of choosing a partner in life (although the masculine pronoun has been used throughout for the sake of simplicity, the following is generally equally applicable to both men and women).

1. Du'a. Unceasingly ask help and guidance from Allah, Most High, in the matter of finding and choosing a mate. As often as you feel it necessary, pray Salaah al-Istikhara, Islam's special prayer for guidance, in order to reach a suitable decision.

2. Consult your heart. Listen to what your inner voice, the 'radar' which Allah has given you to guide you, tells you about the prospective partner. It is likely to be more correct than your mind, which often plays tricks and can rationalise almost anything. For many people, first impressions are often the most accurate.

3. Enquire. Find out the reason why this man wants to marry you. Is he interested in you as an individual or will just any person do? Why is he not doing the logical thing, that is, to marry someone from his culture? If there is evidence that the primary reason for this marriage, despite claims to the contrary, is for convenience (greencard, money, property, etc.), forget it. This spells trouble.

4. Get to know your prospective partner, within the limits of what is permissible in Islam, before deciding on marriage. Just 'seeing' someone once or twice in the company of others, who may be anxious for this marriage to take place, is simply not enough under today's conditions, where two per- sons of totally dis-similar backgrounds are meeting each other without the safeguards of families. Without violating Islam's prohibition about being alone, try to understand his nature, what makes him tick, his temperament, what he might be like to live with.

5. Talk to several people who know your prospective partner, not just one, or have someone whom you can trust do this for you. Ask about him from various people, not just from his friends because they may conceal facts to do him a favour. And ask not only about his background, career, Islamicity, etc., but about such crucial matters as whether he gets angry easily; what he does when he is 'mad'; whether he is patient, polite, considerate; how he gets along with people; how he relates to the opposite sex; what sort of relationship he has with his mother and father; whether he is fond of children; what his personal habits are, etc. And find out about his plans for the future from people who know him. Do they coincide with what he has told you? Go into as much detail as possible. Check out his plans for the future - where you will live and what your lifestyle will be, his attitudes toward money and possessions and the like. If you can't get answers to such crucial questions from people who know him, ask him yourself and try to make sure he is not just saying what he knows you want to hear. Too many people will make all kinds of promises before marriages in order to secure the partner they want but afterwards forget that they ever made them, (this naturally applies equally to women as to men).

6. Find out about his family, his relations with his parents, brothers and sisters. What will his obligations be to them in the future? How will this affect where and under what conditions you will live? What are the character and temperament of each of his parents? Will they live with you or you with them? And are they pleased with his prospective marriage to you or not? Although it may not be the case in most Western marriages, among Muslims such issues are often crucial to the success or failure of a marriage, and answers to these questions need to be satisfactory to ensure a peaceful married life.

7. Understand each other's expectations. Try to get a sense of your prospective partner's under- standing of the marriage relationship, how he will behave in various situations, and what he wants of you as his spouse. These are issues which should be discussed clearly and unambiguously as the negotiations progress, not left to become sources of disharmony after the marriage because they were never brought up beforehand. If you are too shy to ask certain questions, have a person you trust do it for you. At an advanced stage of the negotiations, such a discussion should include such matters as birth control, when children are to be expected, how they are to be raised, how he feels about helping with housework and with the children's upbringing, whether or not you may go to school or work, relations with his family and yours, and other vital issues.

8. See him interacting with others in various situations. The more varied conditions under which you are able to observe your prospective partner, the more clues you will have as to his mode of dealing with people and circumstances.

9. Find out what his understanding of Islam is and whether it is compatible with your own. This is a very important matter. Is he expecting you to do many things which you have not done up to this point? If he emphasises " Haraams", especially if you are a new Muslimah, and seems unable to tolerate your viewpoint, chances are your marriage will be in trouble unless you are flexible enough to accommodate yourself to his point of view and possibly a very restrictive lifestyle. Let him spell out to you clearly how he intends to practise Islam and how he wants you to practise it as his wife so there will be no misunderstandings later.

10. Don't be in a hurry. So many marriages have broken because the partners are in such haste that they don't take time to make such vital checks as the ones outlined above and rush into things. Shocking as it may seem, marriages between Muslims which are contracted and then broken within a week or a month or a year have become common place occurrences among us. Don't add yourself to the list of marriage casualties because you couldn't take time or were too desperate for marriage to find out about or get to know the person with whom you plan to spend the rest of your life.

11. Ask yourself, Do I want this man/woman to be the father/mother of my children? If it doesn't feel just right to you, think it over again. Remember, marriage is not just for today or tomorrow but for life, and for the primary purpose of building a family. If the person in question doesn't seem like the sort who would make a good parent, you are likely to find yourself struggling to raise your children without any help from him or her - or even with negative input - in the future.

12. Never allow yourself to be pressured or talked into a marriage. Your heart must feel good about it, not someone else's. Again, allegations of "Islamicity" - he is pious, has a beard, frequents the Masjid, knows about Islam; she wears Hijab, does not talk to men - are not necessarily guarantees of a good partner for you or of a good marriage, but are only a part of a total picture. If an individual practises the Sunnah only in relation to worship or externals, chances are he/she has not really understood and is not really living Islam. Possessing the affection and Rahmah (mercy) which Islam enjoins between marriage partners is vital for a successful relationship, and these are the important traits to be looked for in a prospective partner.

13. Never consent to engaging in a marriage for a fixed period or in exchange for a sum of money. (Mut'a marriage). Such marriages are expressly forbidden in Islam and entering into them is a sinful act, as marriage must be entered into with a clear intention of it being permanent, for life, not for a limited and fixed duration.
If these guidelines are followed, Insha' Allah the chances of making a mistake which may mar the remainder of your life may be minimised.
Choosing a marriage partner is a most serious matter, perhaps the most serious decision you will ever make in your life since your partner can cause you either to be successful or to fail miserably, in the tests of this life and, consequently, in the Hereafter. This decision needs to be made with utmost care and caution, repeatedly seeking guidance from your Lord.
If everything checks out favourable, well and good, best wishes for happiness together here and in the Hereafter. If not, better drop the matter and wait. Allah, your Lord knows all about you, His servant, and has planned your destiny and your partner for you. Be sure that He will bring you together when the time is right. As the Qur'an enjoins, you must be patient until He opens a way for you, and for your part you should actively explore various marriage leads and possibilities.
Two words addressed to brothers are in order here. If you are marrying or have married a recent convert to Islam, you must be very patient and supportive with her. Remember, Islam is new to her, and chances are that she will not be able to take on the whole of the Shari'ah at once - nor does Islam require this, if you look at the history of  early Islam. In your wife 's efforts to conform herself to her newfaith and culture, she needs time and a great deal of support, love, help and understanding from you, free of interference from outsiders. It is best to let her make changes at her own speed when her inner being is ready for them rather than demanding that she do this or that, even if it means that some time will elapse before she is ready to follow certain Islamic injunctions. If the changes come from within herself, they are likely to be sincere and permanent; otherwise, if she makes changes because of pressure from you or from others, she may always be unhappy with the situation and may look for ways out of it. You can help her by being consistent in your own behaviour. So many Muslims apply those parts of the Qur'an or Sunnah which suit them and abandon the rest, with resulting confusion in the minds of their wives and children. Thus, while firmly keeping the reins in your hands, you should look at your own faults, not hers, and be proud and happy with the efforts she is making. Make allowances, be considerate, and show your appreciation of the difficult task she is carrying out by every possible means. This will cause her to love and respect you, your culture, and Islam to grow infinitely faster than a harsh, dominating, forceful approach ever could.
Finally, a word of warning. Certain situations have occurred in which women, posing as Muslims (or perhaps actually having made Shahaadah), have deceived and made fools of numbers of Muslim men. Such women may be extremely cunning and devious, operating as poor, lonely individuals in need of help and/or husbands. The brothers who fall into this net may be shown false photos, given false information or promises, cheated in all sorts of ways, and finally robbed of anything the conniving lady can manage to take from them. As was said, it is wise to check out any prospective partner with local Muslims who know her.

Keep your eyes open and take your time. Since marriage is for life, for eternity, hurrying into it for any reason whatsoever is the act of a foolish or careless person who has only himself or herself to blame if things go wrong......!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

"Tips and Tricks For Students"

"Tips and Tricks For Students"

There is no short cut to success, this is the first thing you should remember. For this reason you have to study well first of all. But the preparations are different for different types of exams. Some competitive exams need long term preparation while your school level exams may need preparation of few months.

The 1st tip : Never fear or hate exam and be confident.

Some students study well but still may be much afraid of exams and due to this reason they get distracted and won't be able to score marks.So leave all your fears and free your mind before starting the study. You have to be confident and it is the most essential power you should have for attaining victory.

The 2nd tip: Prepare a good time table. 

Prepare a time table before starting the study. This should include all the subjects but may not be with equal priority. Tough subjects can be given more time and easier ones less but most importantly some time shall be allotted for entertainment and also there should be sufficient intervals between each subject.

The 3rd tip: Select a proper atmosphere for studying.

No need to explain this point. Study atmosphere has very important role. Can anyone study well while watching TV? So select a place where you feel comfortable. That is where you feel relaxed and can concentrate. And you have to make sure that while you are studying a subject you are concentrating on it only. So keep the books of other subjects away from your eyesight so that you won't be upset about the things you have to learn. And importantly it is better to study early morning when all the surroundings will be in silence and you can concentrate more. Your concentration really counts. Never place a mirror in the room such that you will ur reflection while sitting to study. This will lead to lack of concentration. And one top secret Study facing east or more accurately North east. This will give you great positive energy and your marks will definitely increase.

The 4th tip : Sit straight

This is so important that you have to sit in proper manner while studying. Don't study on bed or lying on a chair instead sit straight. Keep your spinal cord straight. And try to place your legs parallel to ground, a little bit raised from the ground. Other wise placing the legs on the ground causes ionization and induces sleep. And be alert that legs are not above the head level. This will affect the blood flow direction and causes sleepiness. It is better to place the legs almost parallel to ground but a little lower.

The 5th tip : Make notes while studying.

This is a very important point. While studying make small notes and that should not be descriptive make theme brief so that you can remember all points while doing revision with the help of that note. An ideal note shall include all important formulae and figures and also other important points. It will be a lot worth if you use this not for the revision in last one or two hours than u skipping through pages of your text book. It won't take much time to go through this note and if you feel tough anywhere you can refer for that portion in text book.

The 6th tip: Sleep well and Eat well.

You have to sleep well.Sleep deprivation study shows that Optimum hrs for sleep is 6hrs. Especially on the night before exam you have to sleep well, atleast 6 hours and not more than 8 hrs. Remember this will have a great effect on your exam. And have your food as in your daily diet. Don't fast on exam day. This will have reverse effect, so please have food properly. There are some food items you have to avoid and some other you have to include in your diet on exam day. And don't forget to have a glass water before you go to bed, essential to keep your brain cells charged!!!

The 7th tip : Write and Present well.

The presentation is the major factor that affects your marks. Whatever you studied or prepared your marks will depend on how you present them in the answer sheet. The teachers may not be able to read all what you have written. Remember daily they are going through 30 to 40 papers.They will scan for points. So try to present answers in points. In essay questions don't forget to underline the important points . Your hand writing also affects your marks. Try to write neatly. if it is not good enough, don't worry, if you presented it in a good manner you can score more marks. And another important factor to remember, As we all know 'First impression is the best impression'. So, answer the questions you know well, first. This will create a good impression on the evaluator and though you couldn't write some last answers well, that won't deduct your mark much. And care shall be taken so that you manage time well and is able to attend all questions. If there is any question out of syllabus, you just attend it. Usually full marks are awarded for such questions.

The 8th tip: Never malpractise in exam hall.

Never malpractise in exam hall as it may even affect your marks and also some times you won't be allowed to continue the exam. If you don't know answer don't write. Keep in mind that you are writing exam for you, to prove yourself. There will be no problem if you have followed the above steps, For sure you can score good marks.

The 9th tip: Believe in God, Believe in you.

The last but not the least point pray well before the exam and your mind should be free at least 5 minutes before exam. Pray can give immense energy and peace to your mind that will definitely do good for you.And it is much important that you are confident about what you can and will always produce pleasant result.

Also remember one thing please don't discuss soon after exams.This won't do good and may affect your coming exams.If your friends are discussing question paper avoid them and come to house soon.

"And above all you think about your parents their difficulties and sufferings and how they care you , you owe to them much, don't you?. The best gift you can give them is your victory. So never disappoint your parents. Study is not for them they are compelling you to study for your future. And ultimately what I have to say is that You have a lot of opportunities now.If you are serious in your studies for a few years of your life then the remaining part of your life will be fruitful and you people shall never stop study after getting a degree or a small job always look for higher studies and aims big hurdles like CAT, GATE, GRE, IAS,IES etc.So think your self and try your best."

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Appearance vs. The Authentic

Appearance vs. The Authentic

    Our own age seems to be governed by illusion and deception. We have built a whole culture based on appearance. Everything looks good, but scratch just below the surface, and you will discover little substance. Appearance has become a standard.

   We have grown so numb to the realities of good and evil that lying and cheating have become almost universally accepted as necessary evils. So we tolerate them, as long as they are performed in the dim light of "respectability." Occasionally, in the midst of this cultural darkness, the great light of the human spirit shines forth with honesty and integrity. At those times we seem surprised, even taken off-guard. Honesty, loyalty, and integrity seem almost out of place in the modern schema.

   But beneath the surface, under the guise of appearances, this age like any other is made up of people like you and me. And if you listen carefully, if you look closely, you will discover that the people are hungry. Created to love and be loved, we feel a restlessness, a longing for more, a profound discontent with our lives and with our culture. Our hunger is not for appearances, but for something of substance. We are hungry for truth.

   The people of today are starving for the authentic, thirsting for the tiniest droplet of sincerity, aching to experience the genuine.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Beti...The Daughter


Mujhy Itna Pyaar Na Do Baba,

Kal Janay Mujhey Nasib Na Ho...

Ye Jo Maatha Chuma Kertay Ho,

...Kal Is Per Shikan Ajeeb Na Ho...

Main Jab Bhi Roti Hoon Baba...

Tum Ansu Poncha Kertay Ho,

Mujhy Itni Dour Na Chhor Ana,

Main Roun Aur Tum Pass Na Ho...

Meray Naaz Othatay Ho Baba,

Meray Sar Ka Sayaa Ho Baba,

Meri Chhoti Chhoti Khahish Par

Tum Jan Lutatay Ho Baba...

Kal Aisa Ho Ek Nagri Main,

Main Tanha Tum Ko Yaad Karon ,

Aur Ro Ro Ker Feryaad Karon ...

Aye Allah Meray Baba Sa

Koi Pyaar Jtanay Wala Ho,

Meray Naaz Othanay Wala Ho...

Meray Baba Mujh Se Ehd Karo,

Mujhy Tum Chhupa Ker Rakho Gay...

Dunya Ki Zalim Nazroon Se,

Mujhy Tum Chhupa Ker Rakho Gay....!

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Meri Tameer

Sadiyaan beet gein yuhi adhoora mehsoos karte karte
Na jaane kaun chhor gaya mujh ko tameer karte karte?

Kaha tha wajood ka malbah kisi koone main rakh dena
Warna umr lag jaaye gi meri zaat yakja karte karte

Mushkil to hargiz na tha qaid-e-maazi se niklna
Dar-e-maazi par hi pahncha har bar chalte chalte

Zameeroo ki adalat main jab hote hain fesle
Jeewan beet jate hain phir khud se larte larte

Mere khayal ki nagri bhi jese moom ke jesi thi
Har hasrat piglaa gey mere khoowaab jalte jalte

Bantne hoo zamaane ko jis ne ujaaloo ke tohfe
Kei aur chragh jalaey woh chragh bujhte bujhte

Aalam-e-mayoosi main umeedain zinda rakh Gulshan
Warna maar detti hain yeh umeedain marte marte

By; Abrar Gulshan

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Never Let Yourself Down.....

"Never Let Yourself Down"

You can't be happy all the time, noone can be.
You can pretend all you want,
but the world is such a difficult place that you sometimes need to break down and cry.
It doesn't make you weak.
It doesn't make you a bad person.
It makes you an average person that needs their friends and family there to support them through the hardship.
You can't always be happy.
The best you can do is try to dance in the rain and smile through the pain.
Never let it get you down,
Cos there are people who would pay to see you fall

Saturday, November 26, 2011

So Simple....

So Simple.!

In order to have a comfortable journey of life,
reduce the luggage of desires

Hurting Someone Who Really Care for you is
As Easy as Throwing Stone in the Sea,
But do you know how Deep that Stone hits?
So think before Hurting Ur Close Ones.

Sometimes people are beautiful not in looks.
Not in what they say.
Just in what they are.

The Best Day Of Your Life Is The One
On Which You Decide Your Life Is Your Own And
You Alone Are Responsible For The Quality Of It

My pain may be the reason for somebody’s laugh.
But my laugh must never be the reason for somebody’s pain...

"Try to bring peace in You and around You,
For You and for the Gererations to come"

Believe in Yourself..

"Believe in Yourself"

Consider things from every angle and others points of view.
Dare to Dream and Dream Big
Energy, Excitement and Enthusiaism is in your blood.
Family and Friends are hidden treasures; enjoy these riches.
Give more than you planned to.
Have a good sense of humour.
Ignore Criticism, Ridicule and Discouragement from others.
Jump on Problems because they are Opportunities in disguise.
Keep up the good work however hard it may seem.
Love yourself, just as you are.
Make Impossibility a Possibility.
Never lie, cheat or steal, always strike a fair deal.
Open your eyes and see things as they really are.
Prefect Practice makes you perfect.
Quitters never Win and Winners never Quit.
Reward yourself for every small success and achievement.
Stop Wasting your Time and Procrastinating important Goals.
Take control of your Life and your Goals.
Understand so that you could Understood.
Visualize your Goals and Dreams everyday.
Win over your own weaknesses and make them as your Strengths.
Xccelerate your efforts
Yes, Yes you Can and You Will
Zap your Stress and Enjoy your Life..

The Six Pillar of Character....

The Six Pillars of CHARACTER !

Values that are not political, religious, or culturally biased. Use the points below to help young people understand the Six Pillars, and use the mnemonic devices at right to help them remember.

Be honest • Don’t deceive, cheat, or steal • Be reliable — do what you say you’ll do • Have the courage to do the right thing • Build a good reputation • Be loyal — stand by your family, friends, and country

Treat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule • Be tolerant and accepting of differences • Use good manners, not bad language • Be considerate of the feelings of others • Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone • Deal peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements

Do what you are supposed to do • Plan ahead • Persevere: keep on trying! • Always do your best • Use self-control • Be self-disciplined • Think before you act — consider the consequences • Be accountable for your words, actions, and attitudes • Set a good example for others

Play by the rules • Take turns and share • Be open-minded; listen to others • Don’t take advantage of others • Don’t blame others carelessly • Treat all people fairly

Be kind • Be compassionate and show you care • Express gratitude • Forgive others • Help people in need

Do your share to make your school and community better • Cooperate • Get involved in community affairs • Stay informed; vote • Be a good neighbor • Obey laws and rules • Respect authority • Protect the environment • Volunteer....!

Beautiful Statements...

Beautiful Statements !

Imposible is just an opinion ,
But if you change your opinion everything is possible.

Silence on lips may Avoid many Problems.
But talking with open Heart can solve all the Problems.

Flowers Blossom in Style
Even when there is no one to Admire its Beauty!
Lets Continue our Good Work with Honesty
Even when Nobody is Watching us!

Excellence Has Always Been Achieved By Those Who Believe That
Something Inside Them Is Superior Than Circumstances

Brains determine how people react to mistakes
People who think they can learn from their mistakes
have a different brain reaction to mistakes than
people who think they can’t get smarter.

Laughing faces do not mean that there is absence of sorrow
It means that they have the ability to deal with it.

"Whoever you may be, Wherever life leads you,
You are always
a Mom's child,
a Dad's dream,
a Family's future,
a Friend's heart &
Someone's life!
Be the best of it......

Three Rules of Life :
Out of clutter find simplicity
From discord find harmony,
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity !

If you look at what you do not have in life;
You don't have anything.
If you look at what you have in life;
You have everything.

Two bulls always fight in person's mind :
Good one & Bad One
Do you know which one will win ?
Is the one you feed the most !
Don't allow the bad one to win.

Unexpected results and problems are part of life.
Never lose hope in any condition
because Darkness of night always finishes with light".

Glorious Nots...

Glorious Notes !

The true measure of a man is not how
he behaves in moments of comfort and convenience but
how he stands at times of controversy and challenges.

"The best relation is one,
In which Yesterday's fight doesn't stop
Today's communication."

“Mistakes, Failures & Rejections
are the part of progress & growth.
Nobody ever achieved anything worth
without facing these three things."

Golden Truth Of Earth :
"Every Girl May Not Be A Queen To Her Husband
But She Is Always A Princess To Her Father."

"Life is flowing like a river with unexpected turns,
may be good, may be bad,
learn to enjoy each turn
because these turns never RETURN...!"

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Forever It Wont Last....

Forever It Wont Last....

Have u ever realized,

that u missed so much in life.

Do u live just to live,

just to be called alive..??

Have u ever forgotton

and let a great friendship die,

just coz u dint had time

and u forgot to say hi..

Do u realize,

u are heading so fast.

This one life u have

forever wont last..

Ever felt the drops,

the rain slapping the ground

Ever bothered to touch

and gather the moments around..??

Ever noticed the feel

on that innocent face,

all they want is a part of ur time

but u are hurried to win the race.

You often dance on the muzic,

the one playing somewhere behind,

Have u ever heard the voice,

calling u from ur inner side.

Slow down a bit,

and shower ur love to all.

Dont run so fast,

This one life u have

Forever It Wont Last...!

Friday, October 14, 2011




Jo aapney hi hathoon sey
apney hi bhaiyoon ko
kisi masoom phool ko
kisi komal kali ko
maaon ki mamta ko
behnoon k sohagoon ko
khaof-o-haras ki aahdi main
zulm k toofan main
abdi neend solatey ho

Kis ki khatir larhtey ho?
kis ki khatir martey ho?
yeh kis mazhab main likha hai?
yeh kis maslik ki batain hain?
k wehshi darindoon k jesey
yoon aal-e-Adam-o-Hawwa ka
tum khoon bahatey ho

Koi science bata sakti hai
khoon k mushahedey sey
k yeh kisi muslim ka hai
woh hindu ya christen ka
is ka rang kala hai
us ka rang nila hai
("apne chehrey ko ranga hai apne hi laho sey,
isaaniyat to itni gunahgaar nehi hoti......")
ilm k bojh main dabb kar bhi
phir bhi kitney jahil ho

Jala dalo sabi bandooqain
tabah kar do yah bomb,missile
fana kar do jangi jahzoon ko
bujhao nafrat ki chingari
jalao dosti ki shama
roshan karo chiraagh-e-amn
kya itna tum dey saktey ho...?
apne aaney waley kal ko....
haan... tum dey sakte ho...

By; Abrar Gulshan

Thursday, September 22, 2011


chehere ki in jhoriyoo pe!

na itna heraan ho tum..

yeh zindagi ki musafat ka..

waqt ki inayat ka..

zamane ki berehmi ka..

farz ko nibhane ka..

apne jigar k goshoon main..

khud ko bant lene ka..

sinf-e-nazuk hune ka..

apne andar hi andar..

ghoott k jee lena ka..

khushiyoon ki dehleez pe..

armanoo ki lashoon ka..

roz-e-awwal se le kar..

aaj b bint-e-hawwa ko..

aaj b iban-e-aadam ko..


By; A. Gulshan

Friday, February 19, 2010

Kab Jago Ge ? ?

Angan main wehshi darinde aa pahnche
Ghar ki rakhi karne walo kab jago ge?

Mehman humare gori chitti chamri wale
Is watan ki koi beti ya kio beta le jain ge,

Kat do apne bhai ki gardan hukam huwa
Aur agle saal kuch dollar tujhe mil jain ge,

Siyasat, kursi, adalat, ki jang larne wale
Apni dharti maa ki khatir kab uthain ge?,

Loot rahe hain chor, spai, dakoo, lootere
Apni jebain bhar k sare chhoop jain ge,

Ye hal raha jo Gulshan tere humwatnu ka
Apni qabrain khodne kal yeh khud jain ge !

A. Gulshan

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